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Missionary Department

To the believer missions means carrying the gospel message to those who have not heard it and trying to win them to Christ especially through a group of selected workers called missionaries, both men and women, and establishing the Church where it has not been established. In simple terms, Missions mean “reaching the unreached with the Gospel”.





President: Missionary Carrie Green

Home & Foreign Mission

The Home and Foreign Mission is dedicated to promoting evangelism, both personal and congregational throughout the world. One goal is to continue the progression of the preaching of the gospel in foreign countries, especially in areas where there are no missionaries and areas where sound doctrine is not being preached; 






President: Missionary Catherine Webb

Hospitality Club


The Hospitality Club is one of the very important aspects of our church. Hospitality is what all members need to show as well as receive. We work to: 


  • Oversee the working of all hospitality program and member care ministries.

  • Coordinate the activities that involve hospitality and care ministries.

  • Be alert to the needs of the church membership and ways to serve those needs.



President: Mother Anna Younger

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