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"We Have a REASON to Give God Praise, We Have a RESPONSIBILITY to Give God Praise, We Have a REWARD for Giving God Praise."




Elder Joseph M. Allen currently serves as Minister of Music for Holy Temple. We have a wide range of musical presentations all in reference to the promotion and uplifting of the Gospel. 


  • Mens Choir                                President Deacon Allen Green

  • Celestial Choir                          President Missionary Carrie Green

  • Adult Choir                               President Esther Sumner

  • Youth Choir                              President Shommacelle Williams

  • Mass Choir                                President Kathy Williams

  • Youth Praise & Worship Team


Music Coordinator: Bro. Dakota Robinson

Asst: Sister Shirley Ball


Through fasting, praying, and the will to do the work of the Lord through music, the music department is continually growing. Our work to give God the praise through song and instrumentals is never done but, a continuous lifestyle.

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