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 "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

1 Timothy 4:12 KJV


Purpose of our Youth Ministry is to insure that our youth become valued resources to their families, churches, and communities. We teach them how to become self-sustaining productive citizens and how to balance a healthy and effective christian life with everyday life.

Sunday School


About Sunday School


Sunday School works to be the structure and foundation for all individuals in Christ no matter the age or stage in Christ. It is where true discipleship and understandind God's word takes place.


Superintendent: Sister Shirley Ball



Sunshine Band


About the Sunshine Band


Through the Sunshine Band children have the opportunity to learn, lead, follow, teach, explore, display their talents, develop and grow under the prayerful leadership of local leaders. Through Bible Study, Arts and Crafts, Music, Drama and Field Trips, the Sunshine Band accomplishes teaching, fundamental building and direction and guidance to all children ages 0 to 12.


President: Mother Bernice Lunsford

Young People
Willing Workers


About YPWW


Pledge: We pledge our unselfish devotion and loyalty to the principles and doctrine of our COGIC faith to be representatives of holiness in our everyday life; and to let our lives be the mirror that reflects the image of Christ.


President: Sister Sara Curtis



About the Purity Class


The aim of the Purity Class has been to help keep in focus the true values of good morals, high standards of living, Christian virtue, and to discourage all forms of vile behavior that violates true Christian virtue. Ages 12-18.


President: Missionary Carrie Green

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